
In a week I feel like I haven't gotten much done. I have doubled the amount of positions I need to apply to, but keep putting the actual applying off.

All these 'Software Engineer' and 'Developer' positions look all the same, with only a few words changing between position requirements. Someone should get on consolidating all those job postings and come up with what an 'Associate' is, and what duties should generally accepted for that role.

Anyway, from last time I managed to finish one more lesson from's, got my free year of Unreal Engine 4 thanks to the Github Student Pack (if you are still in school you should definitely sign in up, I am actually hosting this blog using the free $100 credit for DigitalOcean), and even managed to start riding my bike again.

I am trying to keep my head up, as well as play some games on the side; League of Legends (don't worry I'm not even ranked) and Borderlands 2.

Going to try my best at:

  • Completing those node tutorials
  • Go on another bike ride
  • Fill out some applications
  • And learn the ever magical, python

Also, check out nnkd's awesome new Dex UI via reddit.