The Importance of SOAP

Like any new blog that is stood up, it falls off the radar because there are more import things to focus on:

Well, the list goes on. Anyway, since my last post I didn't get to actually finishing up the learnyounode course from last year, but it gave me enough of a primer to be aware of the asynchronous nature of Node.js. I do plan to finish up that lesson along with a handful of Code Academy courses, but again it will go on the list of things to do.


April 13th, 2018 at 1:46 PM

I was only a quarter of a way through this post before turning off my Digital Ocean droplet for good. I wasn't actively using the server for anything and I thought I could save myself the hundred dollars and budget them else where. The title of the post was going to be a play on detergent and my newly acquired knowledge of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

In school we never had to touch SOAP, but got learn how it was used in television broadcasting systems, in particular at ABC. SOAP is great when the systems that are using SOAP are conforming to their Web Services Description Language (WSDL). In my line of work, I am actually the middle man, manipulating data as needed, relying on Document Object Model (DOM) traversal using ECMAScript for XML (E4X). E4X usage and support seems to be a dying, as plenty of browsers have cut off support for E4X with most recent systems leaning towards using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is a lot more manageable and easy to manually parse with human eyes, but I feel like it lacks the built-in nature of what XML provides for verifying the structural integrity of a payload. Things like JSON Schema have popped up, mirroring what WSDLs provided to XML objects, but like with most things, we tend to bash the old methodology only to recreate them.
